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Coffees From Our Friends in Gesha Village Estate Ethiopia

Coffee farms we work with from all around the world.

Breath taking scenery, support of the native population

The coffee farm is embedded in the tropical cloud forest in a sky scraping elevation of 5,575 to 5,906 feet (1700 to 1800 meters) with the beautiful view of the valley south of Boquete. The main caretakers of over 6,000 Gesha coffee trees on the steep, wooded slopes of this farm are workers from the native Ngöbe-Buglé tribe. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the native population has been indispensable for the existence of the Panamanian coffee culture.

The Hidden Gems From the Cloud Forest of Panama

The natural habitat of Finca La Mula is a unique high mountain, tropical forest environment. The owner of Finca La Mula has elected to develop the farm in full harmony with the natural environment. The farm is densely packed with primary and secondary old growth trees, a large population of mammals (including the occasional sighting of a jaguar) and a rich and varied insect life.

In Harmony with Nature

The environmental policies of the farm have banned the use of herbicides or insecticides. Fertilizers are applied strategically in order to maintain necessary plant nutrition in soil.

Happy Team means Great Coffee

Finca La Mula pays workers well above the Panamanian minimum wage and includes added premiums for health
care and other social benefits. The two workers employed on the farm live year round on the property and are given food packages during the year for added health benefit.

Shade Grown

This shade keeps the soil moist, reduces the average
temperatures which leads to longer maturation for coffee cherries, and negates the need for irrigation. The soil is very high in organic matter and the farm is surrounded by untouched forest land.

Low Water Impact

Finca La Mula has a conservation program regarding water that involves drawing it for local consumption from a nearby stream, and taking coffee to be processed at the nearby Finca Hartmann farm.

Exclusive coffee deserves exclusive roasting.

we roast your coffee the day we ship it. The only way to get fresher coffee is when you roast it yourself and yes, we have green coffee too.  Since the beginning of the 19th century, the native population has been indispensable for the existence of the Panamanian coffee culture.


Order coffee over $65 and shipping is on us.


Your coffee is roasted the day we ship it. Your coffee will arrive in peak of its freshness.


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